Saturday, July 14, 2012

Up and away

Hi guys :)

Sorry I haven't been updating lately. I have actually planned on updating more frequent when I was back home but I've been swamped, meeting people and all. And also I've been very lazy to switch on my laptop, hence the lack of photos. I think I only used my laptop twice during my whole trip home, other than that I've just been on the iPad 24-7. That said, I'm using it right now cause I haven't even took out my laptop from my bag since I arrived wtf. I don't even know why I brought my laptop back.

Anyway, I'm back in Melbourne now, safe and sound no worries. The past three weeks have went by so quickly and I'll be sure to update about that in the next post. For now, I'm busy unpacking and settling down to this new place. Honestly I didn't feel homesick at all this time, and I'm actually a bit glad I came back earlier and have the apartment to myself cause it's a mess right now! My housemate would probably freak lol, so thank goodness I'm alone for a while.

I was hoping to finish unpacking by the weekend, but I realized that I didn't have the keys to the store, so I can only get them from the building manager on Monday :( oh well, at least I have plenty of time! Thank goodness I got the student ambassador offer and changed my flight a week earlier. Back early to unpack, prepare for SALP, and of course.. GET BACK TO TRAINING!! :D

Okay, typing here is quite troublesome. I shall use my laptop next update so I can post pictures too :) Till then, xoxo.

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