Friday, July 20, 2012

BANGKOK 2012 ❤

Finally I have the time to post pictures (: This was the craziest and most epic trip I've ever had travelling with three others. Nevertheless, it was still a good trip! Endless shopping, eating spicy food, and of course good time spent with the love ones overseas.

First day was epic fail. We got a wrong ticket so we ended up having to buy a new ticket for a later flight and were stranded in LCCT for almost 4 hours. When we reached, the taxi driver was so noob and took us more than an hour to get to our hotel and by the time we dumped our stuff and wanted to go for dinner it was already 11pm.

 With my roomie! 
We were just so glad to have made it to Bangkok and have a place to stay that night LOL.

 The hotel was super pretty!
Small but cozy, and quite worth the price. I was actually honestly expecting much less.

It was super late already and we were all starving so we just walked out to the streets to have street food. First meal in Bangkok and we ate the cheapest and yummiest food :B

 Pork balls and beef ball noodles (the only thing we ate almost everyday!)
This was also the day we discovered how spicy the chilli in Bangkok is! It's friggin spicy!! Looks like the normal chilli flakes like those we get at home from the pan mee shop but it turned out to be 10x spicier wtf, our stomachs literally burned after that. Super spicy but SO DAMN GOOD! I got so addicted to their chilli after that night :D

Part 2 dinner. Because you can't go to Thailand without having pad thai! 

Zhi and I were a bit adventurous and were KONONNYA trying to be healthy so we decided to wake up early to swim HAHA. We were such losers cause the pool at our hotel was so miserable, we ended up doing the most shameless thing ever. We went to another hotel to swim wtf.

Don't judge us! :S 

 Reunited once a year :')

 Compulsory shot before leaving the hotel.

 Anklets! (:
Spent the rest of the day shopping. Very exhausting, both physically and also on our wallets wtf.

 Mochi ice cream is ❤

 The amount of money we spend is crazy ;(

 Threesome, cause we were all tired from a whole day out LOL.

Went for a massage that night! :D
First time going for a massage and I didn't know how ticklish it was going to be! HAHA. Started off pretty bad but got used to it after a while. After one whole day of walking and one hour of massage, I felt like jelly after coming out of the massage, absolute bliss!

Day 3; the weekend is here!

Prepared to go to the weekend market, but the weather went against us halfway through while we were walking, so we didn't have much of the mood after that. Took a train to Terminal 21 for lunch after.

 Their classy toilets (:

 Daddy said I have to try this place in Bangkok and he was right, it was mad yums! ❤
But unlike all my other trips, this time we didn't eat braised duck or pork ribs :( This was like a crash-course shopping trip given we had so little time! I think I need to go back for an eating trip with daddy :(

Final day- homeless people at the airport.

It ended up being a good trip (: Spent everyday feeling excited, tired, crazy shopping, bargaining, eating endless spicy food, mango sticky rice, and doing all sorts of nonsense. I miss Bangkok already *sigh* Eventhough my life there was super disgusting, I miss the company and the food there. AND AND, I gained 2kgs in Bangkok wtf ._. Seriously I felt so gross the whole time I was there, eating and eating and I didn't train or gymmed for 3 whole days! And I was talking to Jen most of the nights and felt even more deprived of training, so the day after I went back to KL I immediately trained like crazy LOL.

Can't wait to go back there to eat again!
Bangkok, till we meet again! (:

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