Thursday, August 23, 2012

10 days in pictures

It feels like forever since I had time to open blogger.
Uni stress is slowly kicking in with assignments and mid-sems coming up. Hello, week 5 is over already! WTF WHERE DID MY TIME GO?!

I've been feeling so shitty about studying the past few days, but THANK GOD IT'S THURSDAY. I can finally start my weekend, sit back and slowly take a breather while catching up on lectures and tute work. I feel so lost, serves me right for choosing two third year subjects this semester ;(

Anyway, what I've been up to/shit that happened over the past week or so.

1.Volunteered for open day as part of my contribution for the Student Ambassador program.

Got a lunch voucher in return which I lost while working (I think I ter-gave it away together with the brochures wtf) and a rugby top which ended up super oversized! Just cause I had the afternoon shift and all the S size was taken by then ;( Looks super ugly! Everyone ask me to use it as pyjamas now -___- 

2. Assignments/Tests/Tute/Uni. WTF?

My face. Precisely.

HAHAHA. Jokes.
Had a Tax Law assignment due last Monday, one Biz Fi this week and an EPM mid-sem two days ago, which was the most !@#$%^& bullshit I've did this week. I really don't know how to comment on the test, I'm just glad it's over and done with.

3. 2 year saving plan ;)

I've decide to start a saving plan! And I've always wanted to open a NAB account so last week I finally went to the bank and did so, and I've decided that that account is going to be solely for my savings only :D

Okay la, I tell you my secret.. the reason why I wanted an NAB account so badly is because . .

*looks down in shame*


I want a pink debit card


Anyway, to reward myself first, I bought this last week and it came in the mail yesterday!

So prettyyyy :')

Was a bit disappointed that the strap is rubber instead of ceramic, cause it looked like ceramic when I ordered it. I might even consider changing the strap to a metal one instead cause I realise I'm not used to wearing watches with hooks, too troublesome!

4. Training training training

Sill training, and still loving it! ;)
Did kickboxing on Tuesday and I'm still so sore! My abs, my back, my obliques, my wrist, wtf HAHAHA I think I cannot list down every body part cause I don't even know where I'm hurting, I just can't feel it LOL.

The only kind of pain I don't mind going back to.

5. Living with my housemate

I'm so blessed to have Wei Ling :)
Nights are so fun with her around, and I just love knowing she's in when I'm home eventhough we're busy in our own rooms stressing on our own tute work LOL.

Much love x
Till then, xoxo

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