Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Blessings in disguise

It's a chillax Wednesday night, and I'm home alone, enjoying the whole apartment to myself (: Feeling so relieved like any other Wednesday nights after such a hectic day. And better still cause I have no tute to prepare for tomorrow. I officially start my weekend now wtf.

It's week 6 already, and I'm half way done with my second sem of my second year. Can't believe it's already half the semester gone. Shit just got real. On the bright side, two more weeks before mid semester break and three more weeks before mummy comes! Super super excited, and I'm learning how to be extremely grateful and count my blessings as the day passes (despite stress level building up wtf). Two more mid semester tests and one more assignment to go. Two more weeks to go hardcore, before I can chill. SOON AUD. SOON! :)

I'm honestly very excited about mummy coming to Melbourne
I've been praying for this to happen for one and a half years even before I came, and every holiday I've been disappointed, but I'm glad she worked it out this time and took one week to visit :') Just the thought of it makes me not want to study anymore HAHA.

And to think all this happened so randomly and unexpected. Thank You God for providing! I'm truly blessed :) Last year I went home during my September break. This year, I was reluctant to go back so she's coming over instead! (eventhough I regret not taking her offer of going home now cause stupid BFF kzyan has been checking in to ridiculous places making me miss home wtf) I WANT CHILLI PAN MEE AND UNIQUE PLEASE! ;(

Which adds to another thing I'm looking forward to.. Crazy bitch is going back to Liverpool soon! Good/bad for her? Probably the same mix feelings I get everytime I leave, but look at the bright side! I'm so excited she's going to be starting uni again! And also it's gonna be back to LDRs and crazy timezone difference Skype sessions.

Miss this spazzy face. The only person I can wake up next to without feeling insecure. The one who knows all my flaws, and still loves me! *shameless* :')

Till then, xoxo`

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