Friday, August 10, 2012

Blessed 19th  

I was cleaning up my room a few nights ago and found all my stack of letters and cards and finally read all the messages from my cell's birthday card (I know it's very late, but I got the card late and it was close to exams so I didn't had the chance to read it all then :/)

Suddenly I felt so blessed to have such company :) I've never particularly felt attached to the people in my cell, maybe cause I only see them once a week unlike my friends from uni where I can see them everyday and update them about all the shit going on in my life 24 hours a day. I never even thought my presence in cell would be apparent *foreveralone*. But after reading all the messages one by one and seeing so many names on the card, I felt that there is a reason why God put me in this position and it's all in His purpose :')

I think I'm quite happy with my life now (uni work aside). I have such dear friends and good company surrounding me, a crazy housemate that never fails to make me smile, and the most understanding and loving mother in the world.

Now that I'm done with my thanksgiving, it's time for me to get back to reality- Studying! ;(

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