Thursday, September 6, 2012


First night out this semester for Merdeka countdown last Thursday. Didn't really want to go at first cause I still had mid-sems going, but everyone was going out, and I haven't gone out the whole semester so I decided to not be such a good girl after all :B

Whatsapped the special friend cause she's my clubbing expert (HAHHAA not to ruin your reputation) and I seriously don't know what people wear to club in winter wtf. Damn cold please! Was bloody freezing my ass walking there and dying to get in after lining up waiting for so long.

For the drinkers 

My twinney for the night

 And the drunktard!

Was super proud of myself cause I went home without a single drop of alcohol in my blood ;) HAHA, mainly because I had to be up early the next day to visit a family friend that's in Melbourne for holiday (and I can't afford to be hungover when meeting them!)

Shots for the tanks, and a cocktail for my only drink that night (:

Thought that countdown would go at midnight, but they decided to do it at MALAYSIAN MIDNIGHT! That's friggin 2am Melbourne time! Princess past bedtime already wtf HAHA. I ended up leaving early anyway, too tired and had to wake up early the next day, so I skipped the countdown in the end. Was freezing that night so I ended up taking a cab home instead of walking (lucky I was sober see!)

Went out the next day to meet aunty and her family :) Took a train down to Glen, uncle picked me up from the station, then went to pick the kids from school before heading home for a while. After that we had to pick aunty from work, then we tapaoed food home and had tea. Went back to their house to chill and catch up while the boys cleaned up the garden. Was lazy to go out so we ended up tapoing dinner as well. And as usual, before leaving, aunty packed a lot of food for me to bring back HAHA! Saved me so much trouble from cooking for a week :) Was suppose to stayover a night like I usually do, but I had to go back home this weekend to study for midsems, so they dropped me of in the train station after dinner. Pretty short time spent, but it was good and I felt so loved. I miss being pampered *sigh* ;( 2 more weeks! Can't wait to see her again when mummy comes :D


On an unrelated note, I'm selling away my polaroid camera! It's a pink Fujifilm instax 7s with a Hello Kitty sticker (removable)

Price negotiable, I can even include films :) FB message me or send me a message on Twitter if interested. Any Malaysian buyers interested also can, I'll post via registered mail! Please do me this favour? ❤ :)

Much love,

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