Saturday, August 21, 2010


Warning: Rants and ramblings ahead.
I. have. had. enough. of my stupid phone.

Currently, this stupid bitch has mood swings and can't receive calls or messages at certain times. People tell me that it's cause there's no line in my room (my bed particularly), but I don't think so lor! :( I've been using a phone and sleeping in the same room for the past 6 years and now only got problem, where can? *sigh*

Had so many misunderstanding this week cause of this problem.
The first one was getting a text two hours after the sending time which was so ridiculous I'd rather not talk about. The second one was the morning before Spec Maths exam at 4am when Juan Gin couldn't reach me for an hour and I only got his text an hour after he sent it. And then yesterday, I told Jian Hong to call me at 6am to wake me up but he couldn't reach through either.

AND TODAY, I had the most wtf moment with this stupid bitch.

I had to go to Lakeside today for a business plan workshop. Initially, I had to drive there cause I was suppose to go to church for worship practice after, but I couldn't make it in time so I had Kristi replace me. Of course I didn't want to drive if I had the option not to, but no one said anything about transport *shy*

Last night, Juan Gin messaged me asking whether I needed a lift today and I thought my prayers were answered wtf. But then, I didn't see it till this morning, and I couldn't call him at all. So I assumed that he would still pick me up wtf.

Waited, and waited, and waited. No call. Nothing.
BEEP BEEP, got one message from Xin Li. She's already there. WTH? Looked at the time, 8.45am. OMG. Decided to not wait any longer and quickly went there myself.

No time for breakfast. EAT IN THE CAR!
Rush, rush, rush. Roundabout no car? YES! Road is clear today! Speed, speed, speed all the way straight. Reached the underground tunnel. Shit, cannot go inside Lakeside this way. How to get back to LDP? PANIC! Quickly called Jian Hong hoping he was awake and would answer his phone, and hallelujah he did!

Found my way back to the main road and went inside Lakeside. Next problem, have to park! DIE LA my parking damn lousy I scared cannot park how? Saw a whole empty parking lot on the most left side so I thought I was safe cause then no one would care even if I took two slots wtf. Turned in, saw it was blocked. Staff parking -.- Had to go back to the other side. Found the nearest parking YAY! Problem? It was in between two cars WTF? Had to try my luck. Managed to park my car perfectly THANK GOD (but it took me one minute just to park straight and within the box wtf please don't judge me) T__T

Ran up thinking the workshop already started and that I was late, but the group leader was even later :P

Moral of the story:
#1 Get rid of the iPhone.

I'm not convinced on the iPhone 4 now.

Too many misfortunes this week already. I'll be going to check out the problem tomorrow, hopefully it's nothing. If not then it means.. hello black and white phone :)

#2 Don't so buay paiseh and make stupid assumptions wtf. Cause even what you expect is correct, anything can happen.


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