Friday, September 3, 2010

It ends tonight

I'm done for this week.
Every week I tell myself the same thing "I can't wait for this week to be over", but it's different this time, cause I'm FREE next week. Doesn't feel much of a holiday, but at least I'll be able to use that one week to pay off my sleep debt :)

Wasn't in the mood to study last night.
Mummy took us out for dessert to 'celebrate' my recent Spec Maths test results, teehee :) But I came home feeling horrible about certain things and decided to procrastinate the night away.

Slept for a mere 4 hours and went to college early today. I drove to college today! :P I wanted to go early but I didn't plan with anyone, so I went by myself at 5am.

First time paying for parking ticket :P

I was contemplating on how to use the machine at first and I failed the first time, but thank goodness I managed to figure out by fidgeting with the buttons *fail* :( Luckily it was 5 in the morning and there was no one behind me.

Hang out zone was empty for the first time this week, so I had the whole place to myself for a solid 2hours. Finished up past year papers and prepared my cheat sheet.

Maths test was horrible though. I didn't expect our final assessment to be this hard *emo* :(
Wasn't in the mood for anything after, but Chun Haw managed to get me to go for basketball. Went for prom meeting after class, then drove to our usual field for basketball.


Tonight, I'm going to ignore the world, shut my brain down, stop thinking about unnecessary things, and catch up on my beauty sleep ♥

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