Monday, January 10, 2011


Heyy :) I've been so busy and preoccupied these past few days. Thank God it's all over now and I can finally sit down and breathe.

Went out with the darlings Pui Kuan and Xin Li on Friday night. The main purpose of going was to give Pui Kuan back her thumbdrive (not knowing when I might see her again) Our first meeting this year and we went to our usual mamak @ Murni's for yumcha. We just sat there and talked for hours ♥ Gosh, it has been ages since we last did that, right Xin Li? I'm guessing the last time we did that was.. hmm, sleepover? :D Got to love them ♥

Woke up early the next day to go out. More shopping for things to bring to Melbourne. I finally bought another winter coat and hopefully, that's the last of my winter things I'll be buying here. I'll just get the rest over there when I go cause it's crazily expensive over here.

Today, I had to wake up early again cause I had to work at Taylor's for campus day. I now have 3 Taylor's shirts that I probably will never use again -.- Anyway, working was so exhausting and by the end of the day, I couldn't feel my legs already and now I'm sun burnt too, grr. But at least I got paid, teehee :)


On a brighter note, I officially have started packing, so yay for me! :D
I don't have much time left, and right now I'm planning my January like CRAZY to meet up with as many people as possible in the shortest time. And also, someone taught me something very important.
"Appreciate every outing now cause you never know, it could be the last one"

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