Friday, January 14, 2011

Weekly sprawlings

Over the past week, I've been..

1. Packing some clothes to bring to Melbourne
Some of my clothes and toiletries are already packed and brought there together with my printer, so I can save like maybe 1kg wtf. I can't believe it, my printer goes to Melbourne before me -.-

2. Looking for buyers for my A-levels books & GC

Most of my A-levels books are brand new, ORIGINAL and untouched -.- Thank God I sold some of them in March-June already i.e my Chemistry textbook that cost me a friggin RM138! Luckily I found another buyer for the rest of my books for this year's intake. I hope he needs ALL, or else I don't know what to do already :P

3. Working part time
Look at the sunburn I got that day :(

4. Trying to stop myself from shopping
Bangles, my latest addiction! :D

Sadly, I'm doing very badly at the last one. ARGH :( I think I'm going to make a list of what I NEED to buy (shopping for Melbourne) and what I WANT to buy right now. Prioritize woman!

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