Sunday, February 26, 2012

Turn the clock back

I am so exhausted :(

As mentioned in my previous entry, I have been moving things here and there since I got back and I haven't really settled down yet. Give me another week, and hopefully I'll be okay *prayshard*

Finally got my internet settled on Friday. I CAN HAS UNLIMITED INTERNET NOWWW! Lai lai, who want to Skype, 5 hours also can NO PROBLEM! :P I was about to go for 12GB a month, then I thought.. since I'm staying alone, I confirm am going to be spending most of my time on the computer (when not studying duh, priorities first! :B) and I definitely need more quota. I think that since I'm living alone I'd better get unlimited quota to stream movies/Skype long hours, or I'll really kill myself from loneliness wtf.

Anyway, pictures from my last few days back home ❤

Shopping day out with my bimbo :)
I was dumb enough to forget my camera cause I was working in mum's office that morning and went out straight after so I didn't bring anything.

With mummy dearest in the airport <3

I need to clear my desktop soon D:
I really don't know how I can work like this.


Stayed over in aunty's place during the weekend and just got back today. I've almost unpacked all my things! ❤

Shall update again once I'm more settled and can actually move about in my place.
It's so messy here, if mummy were to see I think she'd scream her head off.

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