Saturday, February 11, 2012

Yesteraday was such a good day ♥ Thank you God for such an amazing day and I couldn't have gotten through it if not for You :)

Was super busy at work responding to emails and trying to settle most things hoping not to leave too much for my boss before I go off on my last day. Went out for lunch, and my poor blackberry decided to die on me! :(

It has been showing this screen forever!
I didn't drop it, or spill water, or anything! It just automatically reboot and the screen just blacked out completely :(

SOOO. I got my phone fixed today for RM50 wtf, con job -.-
AND NOW MY PROBLEM IS, EVERYTHING INSIDE IS GONE. Wahlao, what's the point of my phone working then?!

All my contacts gone. Chat messages gone. Pictures gone. Music gone. BBM contacts also gone. Apps gone. EVERY SINGLE THING.

Just like a brand new phone FML.
I hate the feeling of starting over again :(

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