Friday, April 6, 2012


It's 1.30am on Good Friday as I'm typing this. I should be sleeping seeing I've to meet at church at 10am tomorrow for camp, but here I am still online and doing nonsense. I'm quite excited for Easter camp though, we're going to Gippsland! :D

Today was the last day of my first half of the semester, excites! I'm going to PLAY HARD during camp, cause when I get back it's time to be serious again and start my hardcore studying *sigh* The life of a uni student :'( Celebrated our 'ending of first half of first sem' (if that even made sense) with YT today! Had the most amazing English breakfast muffin, Jap food for lunch, shopping after my tute and interview, and then San Churros for dinner! #likeacoolkid

Anyway, I'm super pek chek now! I can't find my Canon G11 camera charger!! >:( And I don't think I brought it to Melbourne with me cause I put all my chargers in my special Hello Kitty zip lock bag, but it's not in there! I quickly SMS-ed jie to check for me in my room and she said it wasn't there either, but I really don't think I brought it cause I searched and still can't find it! I'm super sad now. My battery isn't dead yet, and honestly my camera can last quite long. I think I only charge twice a semester? :O But I'm going for camp and I'm scared it'll die there cause I'll be taking lots of pretty pics! So no choice now but to bring my compact camera T_T I don't know what I'm going to do for the rest of the semester though- buy a new charger?

And I'm going crazy thinking of what else to bring for camp. I seriously suck at packing. I'm the worst traveller ever :(


Edit: LIFESAVER! Nav is gonna bring camera charger! OMG excited :D Canon enthusiasts FTW!

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