Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hey I just met you, and this crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe? ❤

It's Sunday night now, and I'm having my weekly pre-Monday-blues already wtf.

Week 9 starts tomorrow and as the weeks go by, I get even more worried and start panicking about finals. This semester sucks ;( I seriously just can't wait to get everything over and done with. I hate QM, I loathe Corp, I have no idea how OB is progressing, and I think Cost Mgmt is so far the only subject I feel like I can breathe a little (not saying it's perfect, but manageable)

I hate the feeling how I'm spending so much time studying, but I still don't know what's going on. People ask me what's my target, I can simply say I want to get H1s but who knows what will happen one month later when finals come. SERIOUSLY WTF AM I DOING? I study, I read, but I have no idea what I'm doing. Sometimes I really wonder why I spend so much time on one subject when I still don't get anything out of it. Ohh, why am I so stupid? Why does this feel so different than studying for SAM? I really don't want this to be a repeat of my first semester, please! ;(

I would say the same for Corp as well, but I have not started anything yet (which I probably should get to it by this week!) Seeing my textbook just makes me want to puke blood ugh. DISGUSTING.

/end rant.

On a brighter note, I have joined a gym here! LIKE FINALLY! After my knee healed I was so excited about going jogging again! Couldn't stand being unfit and feeling like a sloth. Then Jen introduced me to Smith Street, so I went there one weekend and bought some gym clothes, and got more motivated, and decided to join Fitness First (: Since it's getting colder now and I don't want to go jogging in the cold, plus I miss going for classes!

And now, my latest activity - personal training! :D
I had three sessions included in my package and I've just started last week! Suppose to be doing twice a week, so I've already done two sessions last Monday and Friday. I never realised how lembik I was until I started training ._. The day after my first training, I woke up to my upper body aching and so sore! I think cause I only run for exercise, which only works the legs wtf. It was mad tiring, but so worth it! (: HAHA, I think it's gonna get worse and harder from here, but I'm quite excited!! 

PLUS, I've just started work two weeks ago! It's a casual job, so time commitment is pretty flexible. The pay may not be as good as what I would have gotten if I were to work elsewhere, but I like the environment there, it's close to where I live, and the hours are very flexible! Like Jane said, it's better to be earning little money than no money at all.

I sound like I have a lot of commitments now, and I don't have time to study. WRONG. I think even if I were to completely shut down my social like and only live in uni, I'll still spend 8 hours on one chapter of QM fml ._.

To end my wordy post:

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, 
but here's my number, so call me, maybe? 

Till then, xoxo

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