Thursday, May 3, 2012

Marvelous May ❤

And 4 more days to my birthday (: That is, 96 hours left being eighteen, 5760 minutes till I turn nineteen, and 345600 seconds left hit my last teen year!

As retarded as this sounds, I'm quite nonchalant about turning nineteen. It's nothing significant, and I honestly don't feel much excitement this year. SHIT AM I GETTING OLD SO FAST?

What I really want for my birthday would be to celebrate it with my two ❤s ;( I've not celebrated a birthday with the both them since I was sixteen, and this marks my third year. When I was in college, Zhi was in Melbourne and last year, I was in Melbourne wtf ._. I'm not going to have another birthday at home for another year at least *sigh* But I'm determined to be home for my 21st birthday HAHAHA. And they should all be back then cause the both of them finish their exams by this week! :(

My exam timetable just came out, and this semester is SO BAD. I end on the last week! :( In first sem, I finished in the first week, second sem I was done in two weeks, and now it's my third sem, I'm done on the third and last week #mylifeisajoke

I was super sad when I found out I could only have one month holiday compared to the 6 weeks I had last year. And this holiday is CRUCIAL (not the best word to use, but yes it is that important wtf) cause I only see Rac and Z once a year for the next 4 years! I don't know what I'd ever do without my girls :(

Moving on with other things besides my lack of friends wtf.
I think that May is really my month, not because it's my birthday haha :3 So many good things have happened, and I've been feeling happier, even if it's only the third day of May HAHA.

3 more weeks of uni, and I THIIIIINK I'm catching up with my work. I really think I can get through this semester :) Positive thoughts, please surround me!
One more day till the end of this week :D And it's gonna be a good study-weekend!


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