Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Phlegmatic melancholic

The phlegmatic-melancholic is introverted (though less so than the melancholic-phlegmatic), which means that his deep emotions and anxieties tend not to be clearly expressed. They tend to react extremely slowly when confronted by antagonism or strong emotions. They are personable, quiet, and gentle. They value harmonious relationships. When you are first entering a relationship with a phlegmatic-melancholic, you may be struck by how easy-going and agreeable they are, but be aware that they are not revealing the depth of their emotions to you. They are deeply sensitive and value harmony and high ideals within a relationship. As a result of his delayed and sometimes dull response, a phlegmatic-melancholic will be slower to speak out, tempted to procrastinate, and reticent. They may appear – or believe themselves -- at times to be “lazy.” At times when the melancholic aspect dominates, he will have plenty of time in which mull over in his mind what his response should have been. He may become easily offended (though he may not reveal this to you) or discouraged. The phlegmatic attentiveness to relationships, and to getting along and keeping the peace, will “take the edge off” some of the melancholic tendency to perfectionism and critical judgments of others. On the other hand, because he may be more easily offended, he may want to be critical of others yet hesitant to confront directly. The dominance of the phlegmatic temperament may also drive the melancholic proclivity to order and neatness out of the picture. 

If you are a phlegmatic-melancholic, you will show a cooperative spirit and a desire to please, and will value harmonious relationships. You are particularly gifted in teaching, mediating among groups, and at counseling individuals. And though yours isn’t the most dynamic temperament, your lack of defensiveness, calmness under pressure, and gift for mediation in critical situations can make you a very effective servant-leader, one who is willing to roll up his sleeves and work along with those he leads by example. 


I think it's so true that I'm a phlegmatic melancholic. Although, I initially thought I was a sanguine-mix. Maybe I was more sanguine before but I'm not anymore. I don't think saying "oh I got xxx friends on Facebook" makes me extrovert. SRSLY, my life is so mundane now! When in uni, I only talk to Jen, when long-distance, the only person I talk to is Zhi (not so much anymore cause she got no whatsapp). And the only other people I can keep contact with once in a while on Facebook/BBM would be Rac, some of the SAM classmates, and that's it.

I think I've just become very lazy to talk to people.
I'm just tired. Tired of studying, tired of being where I don't want to be, tired of feeling so shit everyday.

Maybe when I get through this phase and go back during my break I'll find my inner peace wtf.
I might be sounding damn dramatic, but I still think my life is at crisis. I have not found my identity yet. I may have 'recovered' a bit, but I still can't find my purpose in life yet. FTS, can you believe I'm still 18 and worrying about my future already?

Life sucks.

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