Monday, May 28, 2012

End of semester ❤

HELLO. I am done with the semester! :D
One week of study break, and then it's gonna be home sweet home in just a while! Quite excited now, I already have lunch plans with Rac on the day I land, and then most probably dinner with the family for jie's birthday (: Mummy even told me that the maid already prepared for me to come back by changing my bedsheets and cleaning my room LOL.

Had my last day of uni on Friday, one tute and a lecture which turned out to be a bloody waste of time. The weather was so miserable, I couldn't even walk from The Spot to the Law library to study. Ended up studying outside the lounge with Jen after heating up our lunch. Stayed there to study while she went for tute till about 4pm, then went to the gym. It was raining and so damn cold thanks to the crazy wind, my umbrella broke the moment I stepped out of my house wtf. Thanks a lot Melbourne ;( Spent the rest of my night studying like a loser wtf.

Woke up early on Saturday and had training, then spent the rest of my afternoon bumming and procrastinating. Exam stress hasn't kicked in yet oh noo D: Spent the whole afternoon on whatsapp with Zhi and BBM-ing Rac. Super excited to meet them soon!

Getting ready for Jayesslee in Melbourne :D

The weather was friggin freezing and yet I can still wear a dress with only a cardigan wtf. Zhi's theory- suffer first, be thankful later (which I have to agree to some extent LOL) Took a tram down to Parliament for the concert, but since I had to leave early I ended up walking back all the way from Dallas Brooke Centre to Swanston St! It was so bloody cold, I almost got lost, and was so damn scared the whole time, but thank God I managed to find my way back to Swanston. I'm so glad I have a relatively good sense of direction wtf. Trammed down to D's place for pre-drinks, then headed off to a bar. It was quite an epic night.

Last drink of the night- sweet cocktail (:

Backbone ❤
Oh, what would I do without you? 

Woke up surprisingly early on Sunday morning, and went for McDs breakfast with Jen to cure the post-hangover. Went back home to wash up and change after reeking like vanilla from the drink that spilled on my cardigan. Headed to the gym, then went back for lunch and FINALLY started studying. Had quite a productive afternoon doing QM, then went back to the city again to meet up with Jen for a chat. Papparich for tea/early dinner, then went home again to continue on QM.

After 1.5 years of QM1 and QM2.. I CAN FINALLY UNDERSTAND.
OMG, I'm so proud of myself. I can even honestly say that I like the subject now wtf *proud* Come on mannn, H1 I am ready for you ;)

It's 8am now and almost time for me to go to the library.
Time to hardcore and hopefully finish QM today! 

Till then, xoxo

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