Wednesday, May 23, 2012

random rambles

It's been a while :)

I'm on my last week of the semester now! Every day is a day closer to exams, and every week is a week closer to home ❤ I have so much things on my mind now that I'm not even in the exam mood fml. Everyday I go through the same routine now, and I can only think about so few things. Am excited about going home, nervous about packing, ecstatic about moving, sad about not seeing Jen for 3 weeks, and even more excited to come back next semester. Exams are the last thing on my mind now wtf.

Can't believe it, in 4 weeks time I'll be home, and half way done with my degree!
I honestly don't know how this semester went by so fast. It feels like everything has been such a blur as I settled down this year with a rocky start. I can honestly say it wasn't easy this year, and I really thank God for getting me through and putting me where I am now. I can now say that I'm happy with what I'm doing in my life.

Two more days of uni! Time to start hardcore studying. And hopefully the exam mood/stress kicks in soon. I think I need to be a bit more pressured :(

Much love, xoxo

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