Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yup, that prety much sums up my SWOTVAC.

Goodbye May. It has been a good month ❤
Hello June :/ It's gonna be a hell of 19days, and then I'll be half way done with my degree and on my way back home for three weeks! (:

Swot is officially over, and it didn't hit me till yesterday evening that my first exam is coming up really soon! I've been spending my study week doing a lot of nonsense, going to the law library everyday alternating between studying QM2 and OB (oh goodness I just want to get over this Wednesday fast). I didn't at all feel stress the whole week, like I've been so chilled and doing a lot of nonsense like procrasti-exercising, procrasti-cooking, procrasti-sleeping wtf. I think I'm scared at the fact that I'm not stressed. I'm in second year now, and I think I'm performing better than first year, and I am surprisingly taking this a lot better (not sure if it's a good thing or not).

Thank You God for giving me peace this week (: I really think that I can finally go through this semester and finals so much more calm that I thought I'd be. This semester has been a breakthrough, and I was such a nervous wreck during mid-sems thinking too much about my future and self-expectations and now that I think about it, I felt so ridiculous. I KNOW that this time round, it will be different (: I KNOW what I want, and I KNOW how I'm going to get there.

Two more days till my first paper, and 17 more days till the end of my exams!
I'm actually looking forward to next week more (after QM2 and OB). Can't wait to start moving things to the new place after my Corp Law paper next Wednesday (which I'm a bit scared about now eventhough I've packed half my things a month ago), and then I'm going to be SUPER BUSY on the 19th right after my last paper!

I've got to pack my luggage with things to bring home over that weekend, and then on the 19th I'll be having exams till 12.30pm, and then most likely go out for lunch with Jen. Then I'll have to come home, move more things to the new place, move my things to T & E's place, return my keys and finally say goodbye to my terrible apartment, go to the gym for my final training session *BOO* ;( and then back to T & E's place at night to wait for my shuttle to the airport. CAN DIE MANN! Wished my paper ended earlier so I wouldn't have to rush so much to go home (just in time for jie's birthday)

Two and a half more weeks Aud.
Hang in there! (:

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